Closing riff from Sunday May 19th's Love Church #notachurch gathering at Cafe Racer in Seattle following the town hall style REAL TALK with Zsaln Reimer and Piz Manzinsky that was about merging the divine feminine and the divine masculine within each of us.
A way to identify, experience, and begin to anchor masculine and
feminine energy into your creative process is in the vibration of words.
Words are a simple, easy place to begin to re-wire your
masculine and feminine creative energy into balance.
There are 7 words you can use to ground this practice. These
words are part of your natural alignment to the love that you are—the essence
of who you have always been but have turned away from because the relationship
to those “out there” was more important than the relationship to the you “in
Masculine words have straight lines and angles. When you become
or wear that word as an energy in your space, you can get a sense of the
straight lines and angles.
Feminine words have curves and swirls. A word that has a
masculine nature to it would be, for example, the word, Capable.
So would you take a breath and feel the feeling of being
Capable. Nobody’s opinion counts here but yours. Would you take a breath and
feel within your body the strength of being Capable. Your body might want to
sit up straight; your head may want to go back. Your shoulders may want to move
back. It is a sense of “Yes, I am Capable.” Just pretend. Make it up at first
if you have to. Capable, in this case, has a structure to it. It can be felt as
a masculine word. Just feel its stability.
Now, would you add to Capable the vibration and feeling of being
about yourself. Is there anything that you do well? Can you tie your shoes? Are
you Certain? Can you do it every time? Absolutely. I am Capable and Certain.
Let your body be and feel these words. Let these two words create the structure
or container (masculine) within which feminine creativity can experience itself.
Without the structure and container, feminine words and creative energy flow
out in a scattered way, with no direction.
Now find the feeling of Ease. It is like an exhale.
This word has a more feminine energy in it. Ease has no structure to it. Would
you let your attention Focus (masculine) on Ease
while you are being Certain and Capable. Each one of us has masculine and
feminine creativity within us. Certain, Capable, Ease. Let yourself experience
the feminine flow and would you not only feel Ease but would you also like
I Like Me has no boundaries, no
edges, no lines and no angles. I Like Me. And now would you give yourself Permission. Permission has no
lines. It is “Wow, I can do this!” You are building a container of Certain,
Focus, and Capable to allow Ease and Permission to have its freedom. Would you
find the vibration of Kindness, which is very powerful
and very feminine.
One last word: Would you allow Appreciation to begin to flow within
your space. Allow yourself to Appreciate the Capability and Certainty that you
now have Permission to experience. Allow it to be very Focused.
You might also become aware in your daily life of how you
create. Begin to consciously, intentionally incorporate both feminine and
masculine creativity. For example: If you have a big project at work, it is
important to understand the budget you have to work within and what cost it
will incur. It is also important to understand the limitations and restrictions
of the project container. If you simply rushed into the design phase
(feminine), without the understanding and structure (masculine) of the system,
you might have a beautiful but useless outcome. Create the structure or
foundation first, and then happily create within it.
You are powerful. You are big. You are significant. You have
never been small and you have always been the little child who was Capable and
talented with Certainty and Ease. You just simply let a grown-up talk you out
of it for a moment and now that moment is over. Right now you are Certain and
Capable and Focused. You are in Appreciation, with Kindness, Permission and Ease.
“I like me”—just like you did as that little child.
As you balance this masculine and feminine creative energy and
begin to choose which to use in each situation, the world around you will
change significantly. It is all about you. You are the only one that counts and
when you can begin to consciously choose how to create, you are going to find
that the light that you hold becomes so magnetic that your service to others
will be effortless.
~ borrowed from
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